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Go 언어를 쓰기전에(놀이편)

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(- -)(_ _)
마라톤 코딩
- 소스 정보 gobyexample.com
- email : mmcgrana@gmail.com
- twitter :http://twitter.com/mmcgrana
- git : https://github.com/mmcgrana
- 한줄평 : 잘생김. 훈훈하게 생김.
일단 컴파일이 된다면 대강 한페이지의 코드를 작성하는대 지장없다는 소리다. 그러면… 질릴때까지 예제만 주구장창 쳐보다가 지칠때쯤 다시 이론으로 돌아가보도록 하자.
- 1.Hello World.go
- 2.Values.go
- 3.Variables.go
- 4.Constants.go
- 5.For.go
- 2017-05-20 맛보기만 함…
- 6.If/Else.go
- 7.Switch.go
- 8.Arrays.go
- 9.Slices.go
- 10.Maps.go
- 11.Range.go
- 12.Functions.go
- 13.Multiple_Return_Values.go
- 14.Variadic_Functions.go
- 15.Closures.go
- 16.Recursion.go
- 17.Pointers.go
- 18.Structs.go
- 19.Methods.go
- 20.Interfaces.go
- 21.Errors.go
- 22.Goroutines.go
- 23.Channels.go
- 24.Channel_Buffering.go
- 25.Channel Synchronization.go
- 26.Channel Directions.go
- 27.Select.go
- 28.Timeouts.go
- 29.Non-Blocking_Channel_Operations.go
- 30.Closing Channels.go
- 31.Range over Channels.go
- 32.Timers.go
- 33.Tickers.go
- 34.Worker Pools.go
- 35.Rate Limiting.go
- 2017-05-21 36~35 까지 옮겨 치는데 6시간 걸림.
- 36.Atomic Counters.go
- 37.Mutexes.go
- 38.Stateful Goroutines.go
- 39.Sorting.go
- 40.Sorting by Functions.go
- 41.Panic.go
- 42.Defer.go
- 43.Collection Functions.go
- 44.String Functions.go
- 45.String Formatting.go
- 46.Regular Expressions.go
- 47.JSON.go
- 48.Time.go
- 49.Epoch.go
- 50.Time Formatting / Parsing.go
- 51.Random Numbers.go
- 52.Number Parsing.go
- 53.URL Parsing.go
- 54.SHA1 Hashes.go
- 55.Base64 Encoding.go
- 2017-05-23 36~55 까지 옮겨 치는데 7시간 걸림
- 56.Reading Files.go
- 57.Writing Files.go
- 58.Line Filters.go
- 59.Command-Line Arguments.go
- 60.Command-Line Flags.go
- 61.Environment Variables.go
- 62.Spawning Processes.go
- 63.Exec’ing Processes.go
- 64.Signals.go
- 65.Exit.go
- 2017-05-24 56~65 까지 3시간 걸림
예제를 이해하기위해 알고 있어야하는 사전 지식들.
- exam 9 - slice and array are different
- exam 10 - Associative data type
- exam 10 - Variadic Functions
- exam 15 - Anonymous Functions
- exam 15 - Closures
- exam 16 - Recursion Functions
- exam 17 - Pointers
- exam 35 - Rate_Limiting
- exam 37 - Mutexes
- exam 46 - Regular Expressions
- exam 47 - JSON and GO
- exam 47 - JSON package docs
- exam 49 - UNIX Epoch
- exam 51 - Pseudorandom number generator
- exam 51 - math/rand package
- exam 54 - SHA-1
- exam 54 - Git Revision Control System
- exam 54 - Hash Strength
- exam 59 - Command line arguments
- exam 60 - Command line Flags
- exam 61 - Environment Variables
- exam 62 - pygments.org
- exam 62 - generator.go
- exam 63 - Spawning_Process
- exam 63 - exec(system call)
- exam 64 - signals
- 2017-05-25 example 까지 8시간 걸림